15 January, 2014 10:45:00
Due to heavy snow, traffic movement at Khashuri-Akhaltsikhe-Vale road (km1-km97) was restricted for trailers, semi-trailers and for buses with more than 30 seats on January 14. For now, traffic at  Khashuri-Akhaltsikhe-Vale road is free for all mode of transport. Please Note that tra...
14 January, 2014 15:00:00
Traffic restriction at Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road is changed For now, traffic is restricted at km129-km193 (Khashuri-Zestaponi) section of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road, but the road is opened for other mode of transport. Traffic movement is free at other sections of the road....
14 January, 2014 12:50:00
Traffic restriction applied at Rikoti bypass section during morning hours is changed. In the morning, traffic at Chumateleti-Zestaponi section was permissible only by application of application of antiskid chains. For now utilization of antiskid chains for all mode of transport is applied only at...
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