Traffic will be temporally restricted in Devdoraki tunnel on 19-20 October
18 October, 2019 12:24:24
According to the information provided by Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Peri Ltd is planning routine inspection of equipment in Devdoraki tunnel, located at km132-km133 of Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi internatio...
Traffic restriction will be imposed on Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze road on October 16-17
10 October, 2019 15:48:51
According to the information provided by Roads Department of Georgia, upgrading of damaged asphalt-concrete pavement is planned at km196 of international Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze (border of Russian Federation) road; therefore, traffic will be restricted at mentioned r...
Traffic will be partially restricted at Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi road until 15th October
19 September, 2019 12:59:14
According to the information provided by Roads Department of Georgia, RTD Ltd is conducting periodic repair works (temporal narrowing of the carriageway on one side and afterwards on the other side) at km20-km29 section of international Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi ro...
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