Traffic at Khertvisi-Vardzia-Mtkvari to be Periodically Restricted during July 26-31
25 July, 2019 19:16:38
Rock climbers will conduct cleaning of rocks from slopes at km3, km4, km12, km13, km19-km22 section of Khartvisi-Vardzia-Mtkvari secondary road (border of the Republic of Turkey). Javakhavtogza Ltd will arranged the mentioned works under an agreement signed with the R...
Restrictions to be Imposed on Shorapani-Dzirula Section on July 30
25 July, 2019 17:55:05
Works for carrying out dirty rubble and its replacement with the new one will be conducted at railway overpasses at PK5 and PK 8 section of Shorapani-Dzirula km2328 and km185 section of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze international road. JSC Georgian Railways plan the works ...
Traffic Route at Tortla River Bridge Crossing Changing due to Design-Construction Works
23 July, 2019 17:56:18
Roads Department is conducting design-construction works of a new crossing bridge over Tortla River, km2 of Gori-Mejvriskhevi secondary road. Due to that, traffic to Mejvriskhevi will be possible by passing through km81 of Tbilisi-Senaki-Leselidze secondary road-Gori ...
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