Traffic is resumed at km56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo road
14 June, 2019 11:13:09
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to conducted cleaning works traffic at km56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo road is resumed. Due to difficult terrain, traffic ...
Traffic is restricted at km56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo road
14 June, 2019 09:29:29
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, rock mass collapsed at km56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo secondary road and resulted in closing of the carriageway. Overflowing river c...
Traffic is resumed at km56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo road for off-road vehicles
12 June, 2019 11:59:23
According to Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to difficult terrain, traffic at km9-km72 section of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo secondary road is permissible only for off-road vehicles, but for other transport, moveme...
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