Traffic is free at Ninotsminda-Armenian Boarder and Akhalkalaki-Katsakhi Road
28 December, 2018 14:18:55

Traffic is free  on km90-km112 of Akhaltsikhe-Ninotsminda secondary road (Ninotsminda-Armenian boarder) and km1-km36.5 of Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi secondary road (Boarder of Turkish Republic)

Restrictions Impose at Ponichala-Marneuli-Geguti Road
28 December, 2018 09:45:53
Due to glaze ice, movement at km82-km98 section of Ponichala-Marneuli-Geguti (border of Armenia) secondary road is forbidden for trailers, semi-trailers and for buses with more than 30 seats. Traffic is free for other transport mode.  ...
Traffic Restricted at Goderdzi Pass
28 December, 2018 09:41:14
Due to snow and strong snowstorm, movement at km106-123 (Goderdzi Pass section) of Batumi-Akhaltsikhe road is forbidden for all mode of transport. Movement is allowed by application of antiskid chains at km95-km106 section of the mentioned road, movement is also free ...
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