Restrictions will be imposed on Samtredia-Lanchkhuti-Grigoleti road on November 6-8
02 November, 2018 18:01:19
Based on information of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Georgian Railway plans capital repair of rubber-cord material and railway track on Nigoiti-Sajavakho railway crossing (so-called protected railway crossing) located at km 15 of...
Restrictions will be imposed on Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestaponi road on November 1-3
31 October, 2018 17:14:00
Based on information of Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, on November 3, 2018, in relation to the public holiday Chiaturoba 2018, an event was planned by Chiatura City Hall. In order to organize this event, traffic...
Traffic will be partially restricted in the tunnel of Kobuleti bypass road
31 October, 2018 10:29:42
Based on information of Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to emergency electric-mechanical works in the tunnel located at km 24 of Kobuleti secondary bypass road, traffic will be partially restricted for all ve...
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