Traffic will be temporary restricted on Shorapani-Dzirula passage on October 19
16 October, 2018 11:43:33
Based on information of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, JSC Georgian Railway is going to take polluted riprap away and replace it with a new one on railway bridges (viaducts) located on Shorapani-Dzirula passage at km 183 of Tbilisi...
Traffic will be temporarily restricted on October 21 on Aloti-Tianeti section
15 October, 2018 15:49:50
Under the auspices of Georgian Auto Sport Federation, by organization of Ltd Rustavi International Motorpark and with the support of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia, according to calendar plan of 2018 sport events, Georgian Hill Climb championship s...
Due to works on the railway crossing in Kareli, traffic will be restricted
15 October, 2018 11:12:12
Based on information of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, due to rehabilitation works planned by Georgian Railway, during implementation of works on access roads of the protected railway crossing in Kareli Station, Kareli, at km 102 o...
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