Traffic is forbidden at km 74 of Zugdidi-Jvari-Mestia-Lasdili
13 December, 2017 08:35:56

A large volume of landslide has been collapsed at km 74 of Zugdidi-Jvari-Mestia-Lasdili road, as a result of which, traffic is forbidden for all modes of transport on this section of road.

Traffic is free in the direction of Akhaltsikhe-Ninotsminda and Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi
09 December, 2017 00:00:00
Traffic is free for vehicles on a km90-km112 section (Ninotsminda – Armenian border) of Akhaltsikhe-Ninotsminda (border of the Republic of Armenia) international road and km1-km36 section of Akhalkalaki-Kartsakhi (border of the Republic of Turkey) international ...
Traffic is free on a km1-km40 section of Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestaponi road
09 December, 2017 00:00:00

Traffic is free for vehicles on a km1-km40 section of Gomi-Sachkhere-Chiatura-Zestaponi secondary road.

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