Traffic will be restricted at km 16 of Senaki-Poti-Sarpi road on November 15-16
14 November, 2017 00:00:00
On November 15-16 this year, regarding the ongoing construction of a bridge at km 16 of Senaki-Poti-Sarpi (border of the Republic of Turkey) international road, Ltd United Water Supply Company of Georgia plans to implement transferring works of the Nosiri-Poti main pi...
Traffic will be restricted at km 23 of Tbilisi-Bakurtsikhe-Lagodekhi road on November 15
14 November, 2017 00:00:00
On November 15, 2017, correction of deformation sections of the bridge is planned on the bridge crossings existing at km 23 of Tbilisi-Bakurtsikhe-Lagodekhi (border of the Republic of Azerbaijan) international road. Therefore, on this section from km21+500, traffic of...
On November 4, 5 and 6, investigating and testing works will be conducted on three bridge crossings over the river Chala and the river Gvalavani, located at km 22 and km 23 of Tkibuli-Sochkheti-Orpiri road
03 November, 2017 00:00:00
On November 4, 5 and 6 this year, Ltd. Sakgzamecniereba conducts investigating and testing works on three bridge crossings over the river Chala and the river Gvalavani located at km 22 and km 23 of Tkibuli-Sochkheti-Orpiri secondary road, which requires traffic stops ...
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