A bridge crossing was damaged at km 8 of Samtredia-Lanchkhuti- Grigoleti
22 September, 2017 00:00:00
Due to damage to the bridge crossing located at the Tkhilnari River at km 8 of Samtredia-Lanchkhuti-Grigoleti international road, traffic is forbidden for vehicles with a weight of more than 30 t, on this section of road. Mentioned traffic will be diverted to Senaki-Poti-Sarpi (border of ...
08 September, 2017 15:31:00
Traffic is free only for off-road vehicles on km12-km18 section of Lentekhi-Bavari secondary road, while traffic is forbidden for other types of vehicles. Traffic is free on km1-km11 and km19-km24 sections of the same road. ...
07 September, 2017 22:33:00
As a result of heavy rain, an access road to the bridge crossings located at km 12 and km 18 of Lentekhi-Bavari secondary road was scoured away, thereof, traffic is forbidden for all modes of transport on mentioned section. Traff...
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