12 August, 2017 11:14:00

A mass of rock and stone and rubble was collapsed on carriageway at km5 of Tsesi-Uravi road, as a result of which, traffic is forbidden for all modes of transport on this section of road. 

09 August, 2017 13:24:00
Ltd “Saqgzametsniereba” conducts research and testing works at bridge crossings existing at km 20(river Semi), km 48 (river Rachkha), km 54 (river Kvesherula), km 55 (river Jonoula) and km 80 (river Lamanashuri) of Kutaisi-Tskaltubo-Tsageri-Lentekhi-Lasdil...
07 August, 2017 19:18:00
Ltd “Gerali” is carrying out cleaning works of rocky slopes adjacent to the road with the help of climbers at km 56 of Pshaveli-Abano-Omalo secondary road, which requires temporal traffic stops of vehicles periodically. Namely: starting from August 9 - inc...
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